Do violent computer games cause aggressive behaviour?
My Views-No I don’t think they do because I been playing Video Games for years and I never got angry with games or aggressive I played Manhunt1 when I was about 11 or 12 years old it was a good game but violent but I didn’t get angry and cause violent behaviour and I just played Manhunt 2 it’s a bit sick but it should not of been banned I played the cut version. So I played the game with the blur affect.
In My research I read Violent Games affect behaviour from the BBC news page.
(List main points)
It said about the research that they done about computer games.
They have some good points but I don’t think they have the right to decide what we play.
This is a speech from Professor David Buckingham
The truth is there are many factors that can lead to violence such as being withdrawn and isolated so it is hard to say it is because of one thing.