Friday, 18 March 2011

Changes in the IT Industry

Changes in the IT Industry
You tube
You tube have page layout has changed instead of a vote system you have the choice to like or dislike.
Ps3 Slim
Sony ps3 have brought a ps3 slim it is slimmer to its processor the ps3 fat and Microsoft have brought they Xbox 360 slim it is a slimmer and quieter to its processor Xbox 360.
Microsoft Kinect
Microsoft has released the Kinect for the Xbox 360 similar to the eye toy on ps2 it scans the body of the user you don’t need to hold any equipment.
PlayStation move
The PlayStation move is similar to the Wii you hold an equipment that is called the wand through motion and position in front of the PlayStation Eye camera.
NGP/ Next Generation Portable
NGP is a successor to the PSP it will have early ps3 graphics
The device will include dual along sticks a five inch OLED capacitive touchscreen, 3G, Bluetooth, and Wi-Fi support.
Nintendo 3DS
Nintendo 3DS is a portable console that will support 3d without the need for any special glasses.
Microsoft security essentials
Microsoft security essentials have had an update to improve it virus protection for it users and change of the layout of the programme.